Growing Up.
When I was a kid my brother and I used to play a lot together. One thing we used to play, and I hope he doesn't mind me telling you this, what we called men. He had his Stars Wars action figures and I had my GIJoe's. We each had our own teams and well, I won't go into details. We were kids and that was well, a number of years ago. I have sold all of my GIJoe's guys (approx. 100 I think). It's nice to reflect on the past sometimes and remeber the good times from our childhood. I was doing this a while ago (8-9 years ago) which got me thinking about starting a book. Back then it was just something I was doing for fun. I few years later I wrote something out for my mom. She said 'You should write book.' I said well actually mom I did start one. I gave it to her to read and she gave me a few pointers on how to change it. It was then I decided to continue it and I have added quite a bit to it. I thought I had finished it when my started storming and I had all these new ideas. Anyway, good things can come out our childhood. I'm not saying I want to go back to my childhood, I'm enjoying watching my kids grow up. In a way you can relive your childhood through your own kids. Watching your kids play and playing with them makes you reflect on your own childhood.
I forgot about "playing men". It seems to me You boys had a lot of fun playing this. Does your brother remember to?
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