Wednesday, March 30, 2005

After five days

I just went back to work after having a nice relaxing five day holiday over Easter. When I got there they told me that earlier we had I guy with three stab wounds in his chest bleeding all over the floor. I guess he wanted to call the police. I also discovered that one of the girls at work called in sick which left my shift short with little cover. Also the guy I was working with IDed someone for matches and he got a little upset and grabbed him and nearly pulled him over the counter. Our guard stopped him got him out of the store. That's not what you want to have happen after you have five days off, but hey that's 7-Eleven on 22nd street.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


For those you read my earlier post called the "plain" truth I have edited a little. So if you wish to read it again feel free. If you like better than before, if you remeber how it was, let me know. I will probably make changes on my other blog as well.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Growing Up.

When I was a kid my brother and I used to play a lot together. One thing we used to play, and I hope he doesn't mind me telling you this, what we called men. He had his Stars Wars action figures and I had my GIJoe's. We each had our own teams and well, I won't go into details. We were kids and that was well, a number of years ago. I have sold all of my GIJoe's guys (approx. 100 I think). It's nice to reflect on the past sometimes and remeber the good times from our childhood. I was doing this a while ago (8-9 years ago) which got me thinking about starting a book. Back then it was just something I was doing for fun. I few years later I wrote something out for my mom. She said 'You should write book.' I said well actually mom I did start one. I gave it to her to read and she gave me a few pointers on how to change it. It was then I decided to continue it and I have added quite a bit to it. I thought I had finished it when my started storming and I had all these new ideas. Anyway, good things can come out our childhood. I'm not saying I want to go back to my childhood, I'm enjoying watching my kids grow up. In a way you can relive your childhood through your own kids. Watching your kids play and playing with them makes you reflect on your own childhood.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Start building

Well not exactly yet. But we did go take a tour of a house similar to what ours will look like. The "foreman" if you can call him that is going on holidays. He will be back on April 11 so we can start working on the houses then. Until then we can work off our hours at the Re-store. It's basically a conviencence store for people doing renos. They sell used stuff donate by other people who did renos.

In an earlier post I included an exerpt from my book I hope to publish someday. I decided to start another blog specifically for that. Check it out if you are interested. I'm not going to post the entire book, because I would hate to have someone copy it and claim it as their own. So I will post exerpts from it along with descriptions of that particular exerpt.

Monday, March 21, 2005

First day of...Spring?

First day of...Spring?
Originally uploaded by maximashlie.
Most places would say this is winter but here in Saskatoon, this is spring. At least right now it is. And there is no sign who green grass, budding trees and tweeting birdies on the horizon. Well, it's like they say about March "In like lamb, out like a lion." Well, the lions roaring pretty loud. Here in Saskatchewan.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Kids are photogenic

Originally uploaded by maximashlie.
Today we recieved these pictures from Nanny in Alberta. They were taken on her last visit when she brought Caleb home from his mini vacation. Sharona and Josiah were both happy to have there brother home, of course, not as happy as mom and dad. Caleb wanted to drive back with Nanny. He wasn't done being spoiled by nana and papa.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Want to own your home?

Are you a young family? Do you dream about owning your own someday but can't afford it? Don't fret there is hope. Ever heard of Habitat for Humanity? If you haven't just click on habitat above and check it. We thought it would take 5-10 years before we could afford our own house. Then my wife picked up this pamphlet in the library. She showed it to me, "worth checking into I said," and the rest is history. We are now approved to own our own home and will hopefully be celebrating my wife's birthday and our anniversary in our new home in October. Our dream is no longer a dream. I urge you to check it out.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Wonderful News

I was going to post something else when I read the letter we received in the mail I changed my mind. Before Christmas last year Colleen and I applied for a house through Habititat for Humanity here in Saskatoon. We just received a letter in the mail stating that we have been accepted for a habitat home. Our dream of owning our own home is coming true.

The "plain" truth

He is the start of my book (part of it).

'Hello, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Baines. I'm not anybody of any real importance, just a story teller so to speak. I would like to tell you about a certain group of people known as Hydro Force. However, I have a little problem. What's the problem? The problem is that I don't quite know where to begin. My memory is a little foggy. You see this story takes place far from where I am now and some 200 years ago. I was there when happened and I'm still around today. How old am I, you ask. I'm ageless. Which explains how I can be there then and here now. Anyway, they say the beginning is always a good place to start so why not start there.

In the year 2207 the worst war in the history of the planet Midgar ended. Where is Midgar? That's a good question. Midgar as it was then is no more, but I will get into that later. Yes, that is right, I'm not on Midgar. I'm not sure if anyone is still there. But that another story for another time. So back the story at hand, where was I...oh yeah. Some called it the Global Wars, others the Fourth World War. Whatever you want to call it, it was like nothing anyone, myself included, had ever seen before. Those of us who were lucky enough to live through it were, well, just that....lucky.'

If I've peeked your interest let me now and will post a little more. I want to go back to the part about being no one of any real importance. Is that how you feel? Like you're plain, not important that nobody cares. Well, I want to tell you that you are wrong. There is nothing about you that is plain. God made you like nobody else, He made you special. He cares about you. If he cares about that much, what more do you need. You are not plain you're different than everybody else in the world. If God wanted to be the same He would've made all the same.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Kids Are Smart.

The other day we talking about Easter and what it really means. I asked my daughter what Easter means she said thats when are get lots of chocolates like bunnies. I said but that's not the real meaning of Easter is it. I then said who died on Easter. She then corrected me by saying "no Dad He rose again on Easter." This just goes to show that kids probably know more then we give them credit for.

Friday, March 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by maximashlie.

Quick Hands

Here is a picture of my daughter taken at a pet store.
The bird was only on her finger for about 2 seconds.

My Kids

Kids 002
Originally uploaded by maximashlie.

Church Renovations

If a church has been in the same building for 20 years and has never replaced the carpet and just needs a new fresh look, do you think it's good to do the renos or just the building continue to detiorate? We have the money but should we use it elsewhere. For example should use to help out the community, oh wait... we already that. Or perhaps to help out those in need, oh we do that already to. Help out with missions? Already do that to. In fact we are actually a church in two locations. The second smaller building is in the city center and is in fact doing all of the three things mentioned earlier. It is wrong for believers to want to improve their gathering place? I think not. We renovate our house to improve it. Why not God's house?


First I should tell you about myself. I am married with three beautiful children.I tried to post a picture of my kids but I can't seem to get it to work. I will later, although you may have seen them already because my brother and my mom have blogs.

He as a link to my moms. A little more about me. I like Star Trek, Star Wars and anything Sci-Fi. In fact I'm working on a book that I would like get published somtime. I thought it was finished but then my brain got filled with more ideas. It may end up being two books. Anyone interested in hearing a little of my book let me know.